Consulter la définition de mots techniques 

L’ensemble des protections du FGDR font appel à des mécanismes bancaires et financiers relativement complexes. Ce lexique vous propose la définition de nombreux termes techniques utilisés dans ce site ou dans les documentations du FGDR.



Savings account (or Passbook Account)

Savings product that does not have a regulated interest rate or a maximum deposit amount. The funds deposited into this type of account are available at any time. The account has an unlimited term and may be closed at any time by the account holder. The interest paid on this type of account is subject to tax and social security charges.

Source: Banque de France

scriptural money

Money transferred from one bank account to another by book entry. In practice, it includes all transactions that are not in cash.

Source: FBF

Secured accounts (pledge, escrow)

1st case: Pledge and escrow in favour of the failed bank: no compensation paid by the FGDR;
2nd case: Pledge in favour of third parties: compensation paid by the FGDR to the account holder;
3rd case: Escrow in favour of a legal or judiciary third party: compensation paid by the FGDR to an account opened at another institution reproducing the escrow conditions.

Source: FGDR 

Securities account

Account in which the financial instruments (stocks, bonds, UCITS, etc.) held by the account holder are registered. Cash movements are not recorded in the securities account; these movements (debits for purchases of securities, credits following sales of securities, dividend payments, etc.) are recorded in the account holder's cash account.

Source: Banque de France

Securities portfolio

All the securities held by a person.

Source: FBF

Security or financial instrument

General term that refers to stocks and bonds, among other things. In the context of banking, it refers to a transferable security.

Source: FBF


Banks sometimes identify some of their customers as “sensitive” individuals, which means that special precautions are taken regarding access to information concerning them. Where this is the case, the institutions are asked to upload this information.

Source : FGDR


Financial instrument which is a certificate of ownership of a share of the capital of a limited company (listed or not listed on a stock exchange) which confers rights on its holder, the shareholder. The value of a share fluctuates upwards or downwards.

Source: Banque de France

SICAV - Open-end investment company

Undertaking for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (UCITS) which has a legal personality (company) and issues stocks or bonds, negotiable debt securities and other financial instruments authorised either by the regulations or the articles of association of the SICAV. Any person who invests in a SICAV becomes a shareholder and can vote at shareholders’ meetings.  A SICAV can manage itself or, as is more often the case, entrust this function to a UCITS management company i

Source: Banque de France

Single Resolution Fund (SRF)

The Single Resolution Fund, which is managed by the Single Resolution Board, is used to finance the resolution of:
   •   all credit institutions whose head office is located on French territory, excluding overseas countries and territories (notion in European law that covers Member States’ territories and collectivities that are not party to the European Union. In the case of France, this means Wallis and Futuna, French Polynesia, New Caledonia, Saint Pierre and Miquelon and Saint Barthélemy);
   •   all investment firms whose head office is located on French territory, excluding overseas countries and territories, and subsidiaries of a “significant” credit institution under the European “SSM” mechanism, which are required to have initial capital of at least €730,000.
In accordance with European legislation, the target amounts to be met by both funds by 2024 are at least 1% of the covered deposits of all member institutions.
According to SRF estimates, the funds are expected to reach €55.7 billion by 2023. 40% of the funds collected by the SRF were mutualised as of 2016, with this figure rising to 60% in 2017 and 70% in 2018.

Source: ACPR

SME - Small or Medium-Sized Enterprise

The Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SME) category includes companies that employ fewer than 250 people and generate annual revenue of less than €50 million or have a total balance sheet of less than €43 million. (Decree no. 2008-1354 of 18 December 2008).

Source : FGDR

Special compensation cases

Cases where some or all of the processing of deposits must be done separately by the FGDR in a timeframe that exceeds the normal 7-day period due to the special processing needed before any compensation can be paid.

Source: FGDR

Stock market crash

A crash is a sudden and large-scale fall in the prices of one or more asset classes. It refers to a collapse in share prices in one or more financial markets.

Source: Ministry of the Economy 


Substitution of one person (personal subrogation) or one thing (real subrogation) for another in a legal relationship.


Source: Larousse


Institution whose capital is more than 50% owned by another company (the parent company) from which it is legally separate but on which it is economically and financially dependent.


Source: FBF

Suspension of payments

Suspension of payments occurs when the debtor is no longer able to pay its current debt with its available assets; also called default. This is a more serious event than a simple payment default. Under French law, suspension of payments is a condition for initiating judicial receivership and liquidation proceedings.

Source: FGDR